Dr Kavita

Dr Kavita is a Breastfeeding Medicine Specialist and Lactation Consultant who is passionate about infant and maternal health. She has been a doctor for the last 17 years.

She worked in Paediatrics for 6 years at the Sydney Children’s Hospital Network, including Neonatal Intensive Care (NICU) at the RHW. Dr Kavita then completed a diploma in Child health and Paediatrics from the Sydney Children's Hospital and UNSW. However, despite her experience in Paeds, it wasn’t until moving to General Practice where she really saw the problems overwhelming new parents and babies in those early first weeks after birth.

Breastfeeding issues and baby’s weight were often triggers for maternal postpartum depression and anxiety. So she embarked upon further training as a Lactation Consultant,. She is an IBCLC, NDC accredited, a Thompson Method Breastfeeding Practitioner and member of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. She is also the first Australian Fellow in Breastfeeding Medicine and hopes to establish it as a speciialty.

She has helped thousands of families over the years and loves helping families navigate those first 16 weeks, and beyond. She wants to empower and help parents regain confidence in their own skills as they embark upon the journey of parenthood.